we were able to check out a cave and what not. A cave
where some of the Okinawains were able to hide during
the war.
thats my old high school history book... really no relevance.
Pastor Tom is doing such a great job studying his Japanese, keep up the
amazing work buddy.
ministry with the kids on camp foster while the parents
are having a valentines game going on.
ministry at Camp Schwab...amazingly fun people but very long drive...
I'm glad that there are people who are with me while I'm driving. :D
mini version of my mom's car...I thought that it was funny.
The famous Pineapple park picture.
A well deserved break from all the craziness that goes about the school.
One of the teachers here and i spent some time with our best local friends
down at tropical beach, it was so refreshing.
Me doing a mouth fart on my knee while Kaiyo plays
the guitar.
Gazing off into the awsomeness of God's creation...it was such an amazing
Christian monkey hugging Doraimon showing
the love that we Christians have for the Japanese.
Keep the students in prayer as we are reaching the halfway point of the semester, that they may stay focused on Christ and what He has called them out here for.