Friday, August 3, 2007

the journey of life continues...

my life as a child of God was at what i thought to be at its highest, i guess i could say, but as i sit in idle confusion with my heart and carnal flesh duking it out with one another i start to refocus more and more on the Lord. He has shown me over these last couple months that there is not a thing in the world that i need to worry about, besides His kingdom and glory. then He starts to put a burden on my heart for my co-workers. Even though i work at a Christian camp it doesn't mean that everyone who works there is saved, and its rather amazing because He has allowed me to be a godly example towards them to where they are asking questions, and in some bad cases treat me rather rudely...its all for the glory of God though so Amen.

Keep Forest Home Ministries in your prayers

1 comment:

Theophilus11 said...

is the journey of life still continuing?? Perhaps a new post may be in order to answer that question. : ) Miss you buddy.