last month rusty started a friday night youth group called Equipped over at camp Kinser and unfortunately since it's on fridays I'm not always able to go because of my english class...i really want to be there more, pray that the Lord will open the
door for me to be able to do it somehow.

we've been going now
for about a month and we're in the book of Joh
n. the kids are enjoying themselves cause we can be as loud as we want unlike sundays where we have to be quite because of the Catholic CCD c
ourses going on all around's kinda annoying but hey what can you do when you have to share the same building with a couple different beliefs, its
cool though. the bible college is over half way done, crazy really cause its gone so fast...what am i going to do when all the students are gone...?? oh! big thing jonathan is praying ab
out coming out here this summer with adam pray that he gets on the ball cause adam leaves in like
3 months! today is the friday before easter...good friday right?...we
canceled all ministry that we do so that we can all help out with the passion outreach we're gonna be doing down in the sanctuary. on sunday we're gonna have our sunrise service up on the roof of our building then we'll be making a rock'n breakfast for all who will be coming, then i have to bolt out and go to my chapel and do ministry there. its gonna be fun!! and this coming friday a
ll the students will be taking off to South Korea for about a week long missions trip. oh, this
last weekend we had an other trip to Tonakijima was a beautiful trip...til it stormed and floode
d like all the tents to an extent...some of the dueds had to sleep on tables under the canopy we brought and four other people joined me in the van t'was crazy. now...the pictures...
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